Adding a Customer

Accounts Receivable




Select the Department (F2 Lookup)

The next customer # will default in

Press enter


The customer name & address box will appear


Enter in the business name or individual name

Along with the address, phone number, fax numbers (which are all optional).  Once the screen is complete F4 (update)

The user will be directed back to the Customer Maintenance screen.



Enter a message if needed

Items that must be keyed on this screen: 

Subject to penalty & interest – everything else is optional


Once the customer maintenance screen is completed F4 (update)

Subsequent to the screen update the other information box will appear.  By choosing an option the existing information can be added to or changed



Select Billing Codes


F2 (lookup), select bill code to attach

Key in a start date

If there is more than one charge for this particular bill code, key in the number of charges

If there is an exemption % key it in

Once the screen complete F4 (update)


If no other information is to be entered press enter & then F4 to update the customer screen.



Flexgen Accounts Receivable     Copyright 1995 - 2025  All Rights Reserved    LGC