Add Civil Case


This allows you to enter a civil case into the TnCIS System. You will enter the general case information and then enter information about the plaintiff and defendant. When the case information is complete, you will select filing information. With all of the information complete, you can then print a receipt for any money received.


Add Civil Case

Step 1: Select process

After opening the Civil folder, select Add Civil Case to add a new civil case.


Step 2: Record case summary information

Enter/select the general information about this new civil case. Some of the information is defaulted but can be changed if necessary. After recording all information click the Next> button to proceed to the next step.


Field Descriptions:
Court Division Required If the correct court division is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu and select the division/type of court being used for this case.
Case Type Required If the correct case type is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu, and select the case classification category in which the case will fall under.
Case Sub Type Optional If a secondary/sub case type is being used, use the drop down menu, and select the specific type of case within the main case type.  The Case Sub Type can be a case type of its own.
Old Case Number Optional Enter the old case number.  If an Old Case Number is not entered, the case will be assigned the next sequential case number.
Reference Number Optional Case number of a related case.  For example, it could be the General Sessions case number before the case was created in Circuit, or the preexisting case number before TnCIS.  If an existing case number is entered, the reference number may include the docket book and page number.
Filing Date Required Enter the date the case is being filed.  The current system date will be displayed if this is not an old case.  To enter another date, make the entry or click on the Filing Date hyperlink to make a date selection from a calendar. Type the = or + sign will enter the current date. Use the – or + keys to decrease/increase the date.
Status Required This indicates the status of the case and will default to 'Open'.  If the correct status is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu, and select the correct status of the case.
Judge Optional This is the judge assigned to this civil case.  If the correct judge is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu, and select the judge being used for this case.  Use the Judge hyperlink to add a new judge or edit an existing judge.
TJIS Filing Type   This field will automatically default in when the case sub type is selected.
Jury is requested Optional Check this box if a jury has been requested to hear this case.
Case information is incomplete Optional If all the case information has been entered and is not complete, check this box.
Case is Confidential Optional If the information recorded for this case has been requested to be kept confidential, check this box.
Case is sealed Optional Check this box if the case has been ordered sealed.
Report TJIS Filing Optional If the TJIS filing information from this case needs to be reported, check this box.  If this is an old case, the box will default too un-checked.  If an old case number is not entered, the box will default as checked.
Report TJIS Disposition Optional

If the TJIS disposition information from this case needs to be reported check this box. If this is an old case, the box will default too un-checked. If an old case number is not entered, the box will default as checked.


Step 3: Add Plaintiff and Defendant Information

Enter/select the information about the plaintiff and defendant.  You are prompted for the same information about the plaintiff and the defendant.  Enter the information as prompted.  After recording all the information, click the Next > button to proceed to the next step.



A civil case can have multiple plaintiffs and defendants or there can be some civil cases where there is no plaintiff or defendant (i.e., adoptions, mental health).  Such parties for these cases include petitioner, conservator, etc.  The Plaintiff is the person who has brought an action (the complaint). The Defendant is the person charged with the crime or against whom a civil action is being brought.


Field Descriptions:

Business Name


Enter the business name of the plaintiff/defendant.  Click on the Business Name hyperlink to view business names currently on file and make a selection or add a new business name.  Either an Individual Name or Business Name must be recorded.

Individual Name


Enter the full name of the plaintiff/defendant.  Click on the Individual Name hyperlink to view names currently on file and make a selection, add a new name, or edit an existing name.  Either an Individual Name or Business Name must be recorded.

Doing Business As


If the business or individual is doing business under another name, enter that information here.  If this is not applicable, (None) should be the entry here.   Click on the Doing Business As hyperlink to add a new DBA or edit an existing DBA.  Use the drop down menu to select from a DBA currently on file.

Social Security Number


If an individual is listed as the plaintiff/defendant, enter their social security number.

Date Of Birth


If an individual is listed as the plaintiff/defendant, not just a business name; enter the person's date of birth.



Enter the gender of the defendant from the drop down.

Address Type


This indicates the type of address being entered.  Use the drop down menu to make selection.



Enter the street address for the plaintiff/defendant.  More than one line of address can be used.



Enter the city of the address of the plaintiff/defendant.  The city should correspond with the zip code.  Note:  You can enter the zip code and the city and state will automatically be entered.



From the drop down menu, select the state that corresponds with the parties’ city and zip code.  Note:  You can enter the zip code and the city and state will automatically be entered.

Zip Code


Enter the zip code of the address.  Click on the Zip Code hyperlink to view zip codes currently on file.

This is a mailing address


Check this box if the address is used as a mailing address only and this is not the physical address of the plaintiff/defendant.

This is a foreign address


If this is a foreign address, check this box.

This is a non-public address


If this address should not be viewed by the public, check this box.  This is used as a level of security, consisting of confidential, sealed, and sealed with indictment cases.  This level of security will not allow the public or a user without security to access any of the party of case information.



This is the main contact telephone number of the plaintiff/defendant.  This contains two fields.  For the first field of information, use the drop down menu to select the type of phone number being recorded.  i.e., Home, Work, etc.  Then in the second field, enter the entire telephone number (area code, prefix, number).

Law Firm


Enter the name of the law firm for the plaintiff/defendant.



Enter the name of the attorney for the plaintiff/defendant.  If this is not applicable, (None) should be the entry here.   Click on the Attorney hyperlink to add a new attorney or edit an existing attorney's information.  Use the drop down menu to select an attorney currently on file.

Attorney is surety


Check this box if the attorney has agreed to be legally responsible for all costs or a 'set amount' on the case.  There can be multiple sureties on a case.

Party is indigent


If the plaintiff/defendant is being declared indigent, check this box.

Pro Se


Check this box if the plaintiff/defendant is representing themselves.



These are system generated.


Step 4: Maintain or Add Other Parties

When the Plaintiff and Defendant information has been entered, this screen will be displayed and you can select to edit the parties' information, add other parties, or remove any of the parties listed.  If you 'Add More', you will be prompted for the same information as in Step 3 except you will choose the role (Plaintiff or Defendant) of the individual/business.  If all is correct, click the Next> button to proceed. You can click the <Back button to go back to the previous process screen.  Cancel will delete all the case information and return to Step 2.


Step 5: Record filing information

To select the filing, pick one from the filings drop down menu. (Tab) Fees will appear you can edit them as needed.  The total amount will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. See the screen shot after field descriptions for additional detail.  After recording all the information, Click the Next> button to proceed to the next step. (Note: You must Tab or click off the filing after you select it for the fees to drop in.)


Field Descriptions:
Filing Date


Enter the date the case is physically being filed.  The current date will be displayed.  To enter another date, make the entry or click on the Filing Date hyperlink to make a date selection from a calendar.

Filed By


Enter the name of the person filing the case.  Use the drop down menu to select from names currently on file.  Generally, it is the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney that files the document that generates a new case, but any party can file the initial filing for a civil case.

Filed For


Enter the name of the person who this case is being filed for or the person that originated the case.  Use the drop down menu to select from names currently on file. This is required even if the filing is being processed without payment.

Check box Override default filing by / filing for party settings


This check box if marked will allow the Filed By and Filed For to be different parties, even if Filed By is not an attorney. This can be manually enacted by the user by using the check box to override.

Filed Against


The names of the people involved in the case will be displayed and you will check the person to whom this case is being filed against.  To select all names listed, check the box beside ‘Filed Against’.

Filing Fees


These individual filing fees are the amounts charged against the case and can be flat fees or itemized fees.  To select one of the filing fees, click the desired filing in the drop down menu.  When you select the filing tab or click off the filing and the fee information will appear, and you can see the detailed fee amounts and make any necessary changes or entries.  These can either be accrued or paid up-front.  Any filing fee that has the (+) sign to the left of it means there is another line of fee information to be seen. Click the (+) to see that information.

Receipt Amount


A receipt amount may be entered in this field if the filing must be paid upon entry.  If the filing can be paid at a later time and the party does not wish to pay up front, you can enter a $0.00 in the field and continue without receipting money.


Step 6: Make any other Changes to the Filing Information

When the filing information has been entered, this screen will be displayed, and you can go back and make any necessary changes.  To make changes, double click on the filing. Click the Add more button if an additional filing must be made. If a filing was entered in error, click that filing and click the Remove button and answer yes if you wish to remove the filing.  If all the information is correct, click the Next> button to proceed to the next step.


Step 7: Enter Receipt Information

Enter the amount tendered for this receipt.  Click the Next> button to create the case and proceed.


Field Descriptions:
Payment Method


From the drop down menu, select the payment method for the payment being made on the case.  If you select Check or Money Order, you will also be prompted to enter the check number and the bank name (bank name is optional).  If you select Credit Cards, you will be prompted to enter the card number and the expiration date.  You may have multiple payment methods on one receipt, such as a $10 payment being $5 cash and $5 in a check.

Amount Tendered


This is the total amount of the payment received.  If the amount received is more than the amount owed, the overage will show as 'Change Due'. If overage should be paid by check, check the box that says, “issue check for change”. (Creates a disbursement)



This is the code designated for the batch that includes this payment.  If the correct batch is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu to select a batch currently on file.  To add a new batch or edit the one selected, click on the Batch hyperlink.

Receipt Type


If the correct receipt type is not automatically displayed; use the drop down menu to select the type of receipt being issued for this filing.

Received Of


This is the name of the person making the fee payment.  This defaults to the name in the 'Filed For' field.  If the correct name is not automatically displayed, use the drop down menu to select a name currently on file.

Receipt Date


Enter the date for the receipt being issued.  The current date will be displayed.  If the receipt date is changed, it will only affect the receipt being processed. This may be necessary when entering manual receipts created on a previous day.  To enter another date, make the entry or click on the Receipt Date hyperlink to make a date selection from a calendar.

Due Date


If the receipt creates a disbursement for restitution or judgment, this is the date that disbursement is to be paid out for the “on demand” checks. The due date can be changed.

Print this receipt


Check this box if a receipt is to be printed.

Receipt Printer


Use the drop down menu and select the printer that this receipt will print on.

This is a manual receipt


If a manual receipt was written and you are just recording the information, check this box.  If this selection is made, you will also enter the reason and the manual transaction number for the manual receipt.  Use the drop down menu to select from reasons on file.  Use the Reason hyperlink to add a new reason or edit the reason selected.  If the reason is Other, you will be required to make an entry explaining the other reason.



This field is for any miscellaneous notes or information that you want to keep about this case or receipt.

Step 8: Enter Rule Docket Information

Verify automatic rule docket entries. To edit, double click the appropriate line. To add a new RDE, click the Add More button.  To delete one of the RDEs, select the appropriate line and then click the Remove button. If all is correct, click the Next> button to proceed.  You can click the <Back button to go back to the previous screen.  Cancel will delete all the charge information and return to Step 2.


Field Descriptions:



Enter the date of the rule docket entry.  The current system is defaulted into the field.  Click the Date hyperlink to select the date from a calendar.  The current system date is defaulted into the field.



This is the time of the rule docket entry.



The default entry type will be displayed.  For example, a new case entered would be shown as Case Creation.  Click the Entry hyperlink to view entries currently on file and make selection or add a new entry type.



Enter any miscellaneous notes or comments about this rule docket.

Step 9: Completing Case

To add more information, click the Add More button.  If the rule docket is correct, click Next. At the completing Add Civil Case screen, review the information and click Finish to complete and print receipt.


Step 10: Perform Related Process

After the receipt is printed, you can select to go into any of the options pertaining to this civil case. Select one of the options or click Close to end and return to the main TnCIS menu.



Old Civil Case Entry


The entry of a manual/old civil case will be determined by whether the case is opened or disposed.  If the case has been filed and not disposed, the Report TJIS Disposition check box will have to be checked and the pre-paid cost fee will have to be added to the correct party in the Civil Case - Fees window.  


If the case has been filed and disposed pre-paid, judgment and judgment interest fees could possibly have to be added.  These fees will have to be entered through the ‘Old Cost’ form in order for the amounts receipted and held to reflect on the Case Trial and Docket Trial Balance.  The case status will also have to be changed to ‘Disposed’ which will allow for re-opening the case for additional filings.



Case Subtype - Verify this field is correct and change as needed.

Old Case Number - Enter the number part of the current Case number.

Reference Number - Enter the complete current Case number (this is the number used when the case was reported to TJIS)

Filing Date - Make sure that this is the OLD, ORIGINAL FILING DATE

Status - Leave status as OPEN.

Report TJIS Disposition check box - Only check if the disposition has not been reported to TJIS.

Click <NEXT>



Business Name/Individual Name

If Plaintiff is a business, then enter business name.

If Plaintiff is not a business, then enter the individual's name and TAB.

This will open the Business/Individual Search screen.  If the party is not in the list, click ‘Add New’.

Social Security Number - Enter the Social Security Number and TAB

Date of Birth - Enter Date of Birth and TAB

Street - Enter the Street Address and TAB

Zip Code - Enter the Zip and TAB.  When you TAB, the City and State will default.

Law Firm - Select Law Firm if have one.

Attorney - Select attorney if have one.

Click <NEXT>



Business Name/Individual Name -

If Defendant is a business, then enter Business Name –

If Defendant is not a business, then enter the Individual's Name and TAB.

This will open the Business/Individual Search screen.  If the party is not in the list, click 'Add New’.

Social Security Number - Enter the Social Security Number and TAB

Date of Birth - Enter Date of Birth and TAB

Street - Enter the Street Address and TAB

Zip Code - Enter the Zip and TAB.  When you TAB, the City and State will default.

Law Firm - Select Law Firm if have one.

Attorney - Select attorney if one is listed.

Click <NEXT>



Verify Parties - If other parties (victim, affiant, witness) need to be added select <Add More>.  

Enter ‘Party' name and select the ‘Party Role’.

Click <NEXT>



Filing Date - Verify date is the Old, Original Filing Date

Filed By - This will default the ‘Filed By Party but can be change if needed.

Filed For - This will default the ‘Filed For Party but can be change if needed.

Filed Against – Check the check box for the ‘Filed Against’ party(s).

Filings - Select the filing from the drop down and TAB.

Click <NEXT>



Verify filing information is correct.  If not, then double click on the filing party to open the filings and make  corrections.

Click <NEXT>



Add/Enter any ‘Book’ information.

Click <NEXT>



Verify RDE has the old original filing date.

Click <NEXT>



Verify Summary information is correct and click <Finish>.  If changes need to be made, click <Back>.



Select 'Open Case' from the Tasks list.



Select 'Add Fee' from the Task List



Find the party that owes the fees on the case.

Filing Fees - Select the Add New Fees hyperlink

Select the correct fee from the drop down, (i.e. Judgment, Pre-paid, Attorney Fee, and Judgment Interest)

Ellipse - Select the ellipse next to the fee (…) and select the Old Cost Form

Pay To – Select the correct ‘Pay To’ for each individual fee (Select 'Other' and add another party if party does not exist in list).

Total Assessed - Enter the amount assessed.

Total Paid – Enter the total amount paid.  If there has not been any money receipted for a fee, then the ‘Total Assessed’ will equal the ‘Total Due’.

Reason: Select 'Old Cost' as the reason for inserting the fees

Click <OK> to return to the Civil Case window


FOR DISPOSED CASES - If the case is ‘Disposed’ the case status will have to be changed


CASE STATUSES – Select this option on the Civil Case Main window

Change Case Status – Select this button to change the case status to ‘Disposed.’

Case Status Change

Status – Select ‘Disposed’ from the drop down.

Status Date – Enter the ORIGINAL disposition date for the case.

Reason – Select ‘Old Case Disposed’ reason from the drop down.

Rule Docket Entry

Date – Enter the ORIGINAL disposition date for the case.

Click <OK> to close and save.



Click <Close>


This takes you back to: CIVIL CASE HAS BEEN CREATED window


If the Case is Reopened:


REOPEN CASE – Select ‘Filings’ under the ‘Option’ section if the case has to be reopened.


Case Filings - Select ‘Add New’ to add a new filing.


Reopen Case Prompt – Select ‘Yes’ to reopen


Add Filing

Case Type – Select the case type from the drop down.

Case Sub-Type – Select the case sub-type from the drop down.

Filing Status – Defaults to ‘Reopened’

TJSI Filing Type – Defaults based on the case sub-type selected.

Number of Reopened – Defaults but can be changed.

Child Support – If the case is child support, check ‘This is a child support case.’  

Click <NEXT>.


Add Filings – Filing – This window will allow the user to add a new re-open filing.  The process to add a new filing to a case is described above in the ‘Add Civil Filing – Add Filing’ section.


Rev. 10/19/2021


TnCIS User Manual  Copyright 2011  -  2025   All Rights Reserved  LGC