Refund Bond
This option is used to refund the bond or part of the bond.
Refund Bond
Step 1: Select Process
- After opening the Criminal folder, Select Criminal Cases.
- Find and open case with the bond.
- Select bonds from the Options list.
- Double –click on the bond to open the bond.
Step 2: Locate the TASKS options you can perform on the Posted Bond
- Select Refund bond
- At the Refund bond screen
- Select the Reason from the drop down options and enter a Refund
- Verify the Refund To party if this is not the party to receive
refund then enter correct name in field.
- Enter the Amount to Refund located next to the Bond Balance.
- Enter the Refund Description
- Select the transaction type from the drop down
- Select the General Ledger account’s hyperlink will be available
to add new, edit or search the correct Liability General Ledger
account that holds bond money.
- Notes may be entered as needed.
- Total amount to refund must equal the Total applied to be able
to continue.
Step 3: An Automatic rule docket will be generated. Make
any changes if needed.
Step 4: Completing Refund Bond.
Other tasks may be performed when the information is complete.
Step 5: After completing the Refund Bond your bond
will be closed.
Voiding A Bond Refund
Step 1: To void a Bond Refund that was done in error-double click
on the closed bond. Click on the Activity Tab.
Step 2: Double-click on the Refund activity line.
Step 3: This opens the bond Refund.
Step 4: This opens the bond refund. At the bottom, left hand
corner is the Void Bond Refund hyperlink. Clicking on this hyperlink
will bring up the Void Transaction screen. Enter the void information
and continue with the process will reverse everything you did and put
it back to its original state.
Rev. 03/16/2021