To maintain data on a juror, to delete a juror, or to add a new juror, use the Juror Master.
From the TnCIS main menu, open the Jury Management folder. Select Juror Master.
In Search by, click the down arrow to select a search method:
From the drop down list, click Juror Name.
Type all or part of the name you are searching for.
Click Find Now.
The default is to search and display only active juror names. Uncheck the check box to include inactive juror names.
When TnCIS displays a list of juror names, find the correct name and double click it. The juror’s information displays on the General tab.
Please note the Options and Tasks menus at the right of the screen. They enable you to perform tasks that can be accessed from the jury management main menu. Review and change or add personal information.
Juror | Required | Juror’s complete name; to edit the juror’s name, click Juror. |
Address | Required | Juror’s address; to edit the address or change the address type, click Address |
Address Type | Window displaying type of address, such as home, business mailing, business street | |
This is the mailing address | check box showing if the displayed address is the juror’s mailing address |
Home, Cellular, Business | Up to 3 phone types (home, cellular, business) and phone numbers | |
Juror’s Email address and Email type (home or business) |
Social Security Number | Juror’s social security number | |
Driver License State | Add new or edit driver license state by clicking Driver License State; select state name from drop down list in window. | |
Driver License Number | Juror’s driver license number | |
Race | Add new race or edit race by clicking Race; select name of race from drop down list in window. | |
Sex | Add new sex or edit sex by clicking Sex; select juror’s gender by clicking the drop down list in the window. | |
Date Of Birth | Juror’s date of birth | |
Number of Children | Juror’s number of children |
Name | Juror’s spouse’s name | |
Employer | Juror’s spouse’s employer | |
Occupation | Juror’s spouse’s occupation |
Status | Required | Click drop down box to select eligible, ineligible, excused. |
Last Service Date | Juror’s last date of service; to see a calendar, click Last Service Date. | |
Miles Driven | Number of miles the juror drives to perform service on the jury | |
Hold Disbursements | check box showing whether or not to hold the juror’s pay for service; default is not checked | |
Active | check box showing whether juror is active; the check box defaults to checked when you add a new juror. | |
Excuse | Add new or edit excuse by clicking Excuse; select excuse (over 65, sick) from drop down list in window. | |
From Available Date | (Required if a juror excuse has been entered, since excuses are temporary) Beginning date of juror’s availability; to use a calendar, click From Available Date. | |
Thru Available Date | Ending date of juror’s availability; to use a calendar, click Thru Available Date. | |
Import Source | Method used to import this juror’s name |
From the Tasks menu, click Add Employment.
Review all fields and add information, as necessary.
Click OK.
Juror | Required | Juror’s complete name; to edit the juror’s name, click Juror. |
Address | Required | Juror’s address; to edit the address or change the address type, click Address. |
Address Type | Window displaying type of address, such as home, business mailing, business street | |
This is the mailing address | check box showing if the displayed address is the juror’s mailing address |
Phone | Up to 3 phone types (such as home, cellular, business) and phone numbers |
Juror’s Email address and Email type (such as home or business) |
Notes | Free form text about the employer |
Employee | Name of employee (juror) | |
Contact | Name of employee contact | |
Occupation | Employee’s occupation. | |
Hire Date | Date employee was hired at present job; click “Hire Date” to see a calendar | |
Currently Employed Check Box | check box showing whether juror is currently employed |
After you add employment information, view it by selecting Employment from the Options menu.
Click Close.
Click the Notes tab and type free-form notes, if appropriate. Click OK.
Rev. 04/09/2021
TnCIS User Manual Copyright 2011 - 2025 All Rights Reserved LGC