Jointly/Severally Procedures for a Criminal Case


For Example: Clerk has three cases that have one judgment (e.g., $1500.) against them as jointly/severally.


  1. Clerk will divide this judgment amount by the number of cases that shares it.  In this case we will divide by three (e.g., $500.00).
  2. Dispose case; add fee (restitution, etc.).  Enter the assessed amount the amount owed by the defendant (e.g., $500.00).
  3. Do this with all three cases.



The fee added was Restitution with an assessed amount of 500.00.

  1. Open case (e.g. CR 2).  Click on Fees from the Options list.  Locate the fee (e.g. Restitution) and click on the ellipse.  Select the Jointly/Severally option.



  1.  Enter the Case Number and select the Party that shares the Jointly/Severally amount.
  2. Select the Type as Jointly/Severally.
  3. Enter the second case, party and type that shares the Jointly/Severally amount.
  4. Click Save and Close.
  5. Open the case CR 2.  Click on Fees from the Options list and perform the Jointly/Severally.  Enter on this case the other two cases that share the jointly/severally amount.



  1.  Click Save and Close.
  2. Once saved the Fees window displays CR 1-Defendant … is jointly/severally with CR 2-Defendant One … and CR 3- ...Defendant Three.
  3. Lastly, open the case CR 3.  Click on Fees from the Options list and perform the Jointly/Severally.  Enter on this case the other two cases that share the jointly/severally amount.
  4. Click Save and Close



  1. Go back to the case CR 3.  Notice the Balance Due hyperlink.  This hyperlink indicates Jointly/Severally.
  2. Click on the hyperlink.



Fee Balance



All three cases are now jointly/severally.  They all should have the Balance Due hyperlink.


Rev. 03/30/2021


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